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Quote:WWE for Xbox Review
There have been countless releases for wrestling games over the years ranging
from NES titles to the newest Xbox and PS3 consoles, but many fans have noticed
a significant lull in current games. With the newest WWE '13, players now have
an enjoyable and action-packed product that offers new characters, gameplay
styles, features, and more. This WWE review will help both new and advanced
players understand some of the unique changes to this game that are sure to
provide hours of entertainment.
There are only a handful of variables that game creators can rely on in order to
make their wrestling title as exciting as possible. With a lack of levels and
virtually no storyline to speak of, they must rely on exciting gameplay, crisp
graphics, and balanced tactics between characters. With The newest WWE for Xbox,
each of these features has been brought to the table once again. This all begins
with brutal single player and multiplayer matches.
Nearly every title in this genre utilizes exciting entrances for the wrestlers,
but WWE '13 has taken it to a whole new level. Authentic entrance theatrics,
pyrotechnics, and well-known announcers set the stage for each exciting matchup.
Every single entrance is unique depending on the character and location, but
players also have the option to opt out of these walk-outs when they are ready
to jump into the action. Once the fight has begun, the simplistic controls allow
any player to feel as if they are having a major impact on how action is
progressing. Just a handful of buttons allow for everything from combination
attacks to special maneuvers. As the match plays out, the lineup of attacks
seems extremely fluid, one huge advantage over many of the previous WWE and WWF
"Spectacular Moments" further add to the intensity of each match and are just
rare enough to make them exciting to watch through to the end. From smashing
wrestlers through tables to tossing them into the crowd, these finishing moves
and devastating attacks are some of the most exciting moments that players will
have. Players will still require quick reflexes to reverse and block their
opponents, but even beginners will enjoy a match with a seasoned opponent.
Within this WWE Review, re-playability is what sets the game apart from the
competition. Players will find themselves coming back time and time again with
custom wrestlers, unique storylines, online play, Pay-Per-View matches, tag-team
fights, season mode, new stadiums, and more.
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Kamis, 21 Maret 2013
[Kaskus Marketplace] ?:?:?:?:? Jasa Pembuatan Artikel 100%Unique,100%Readable | Murah Banget ?:?:?:?:?
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