HI Trader

I am holding an orientation class for all traders who either have or would like to sign up for the 7 day free trial of Vertue Trading's Diamond Traders program and FXPropPartners program. I will take you on a tour of the facilities, show you how things work, answer your questions, and help trouble shoot any problems you might have accessing the facilities.

If you have had trouble using the resources we will try to clear up the problem and extend your trial so you can receive the maximum benefit.

We will also discuss the four trading systems, how they work, and their overall performance.

The class will be held this afternoon at 4PM PDT (7PM EDT). Here is the link.


See you there.

Lawrence Kaufman | Client Advisor | Vertue Trading
26180 Enterprise Way, Suite 200B
Lake Forest, CA 92630
Tel: (949) 864-6046 | (800) 262-1446 | Fax: (949) 954-6500
Skype: forexlarry
lawrence@vertuetrading.com | www.vertuetrading.com

General Advice Disclosure:
Please note that the advice contained herein is general advice and is for the purposes of education only. You are reminded that past performance is no guarantee or reliable indication of future results. It has not been prepared taking into account your particular investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. You should therefore assess whether the advice is appropriate to your individual investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs. You should do this before making an investment decision based on this general advice. You can either make the assessment yourself or seek the help of a professional adviser.

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