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| iPod & iTunes For Dummies, 6th edition January 3, 2010 at 9:44 pm |
| ![]() iPod & iTunes For Dummies, 6th edition by: Tony Bove en | For Dummies Whether you're completely new to iPod and iTunes or you'd like to discover advanced techniques for playing, managing, browsing, buying, and storing music and other files, iPod & iTunes For Dummies, 6th Edition can help you! The iPod and iTunes have revolutionized how we enjoy music, and this bestselling guide has been updated to keep you current. Here's how to use the newest iPods, set up iTunes on your Mac or PC, purchase music and movies, rip CDs, organize your media library, make the most of digital sound, and so much more! The latest iPods are much more than just digital music players. Now, surf the Web, rent movies, buy songs and directly download them, send and receive e-mails, store photos, play slideshows, watch videos, and play games. You'll find information about all iPod models and how to set up iTunes so you can start enjoying your iPod right away. You'll learn how to: * Learn how to use the iPod displays and scrolling wheels * Install iTunes and load your music * Keep your library organized so you can search, browse, and sort * Create playlists and burn CDs * Use your iPod as a hard drive * Share content legally * Synchronize your e-mail, contacts, and bookmarks Complete with lists of ten common problems and solutions, and eleven tips for the equalizer, iPod & iTunes for Dummies, 6th Edition includes bonus chapters about early iPod models, creating content for iPod, tips for working with MusicMatch, using your iPod for backup and restore, and 14 web sources for additional information. Contents: Introduction. Part I: Setting Up and Acquiring Media. Chapter 1: Firing Up Your iPod and iPhone. Chapter 2: Setting Up iTunes and Your iPod and iPhone. Chapter 3: Getting Started with iTunes. Chapter 4: Shopping at the iTunes Store. Chapter 5: Bringing Content into iTunes. Chapter 6: Playing Content in iTunes. Chapter 7: Sharing Content Legally. Part II: Managing Your Media. Chapter 8: Searching, Browsing, and Sorting in iTunes. Chapter 9: Adding and Editing Information in iTunes. Chapter 10: Organizing iTunes Content with Playlists. Chapter 11: Synchronizing Devices with iTunes. Chapter 12: Gimme Shelter for My Media. Chapter 13: Fine-Tuning the Sound. Part III: Playing Your iPod or iPhone. Chapter 14: Playing Content on Your iPod or iPhone. Chapter 15: Surfin' Safari on the Web. Chapter 16: Using iPod and iPhone Applications. Part IV: The Traveling iPod and iPhone. Chapter 17: Going Mobile. Chapter 18: Changing Your Clock, Lock, and Display Settings. Chapter 19: Synchronizing Personal Info with Your iPod or iPhone. Chapter 20: Updating and Troubleshooting. Part V: The Part of Tens. Chapter 21: Ten Problems and Solutions. Chapter 22: Eleven Tips for the Equalizer. Index. ISBN: 978-0-470-39062-7 Paperback 408 pages September 2008 Download . |
| iMovie '09 and iDVD: The Missing Manual January 3, 2010 at 9:32 pm |
| ![]() iMovie ‘09 and iDVD: The Missing Manual by: David Pogue, Aaron Miller en | Pogue Press Review Apple’s iMovie ‘09 is more accessible and comprehensive than iMovie ‘08–and impressive right out of the box. The one thing not in the box is a user’s guide, and that’s where this book comes in. You’ll make the most out of the applications if you get help from the experts. iMovie ‘09 and iDVD: The Missing Manual explains everything you need to know to turn raw digital footage into high quality film. Stabilizing Shaky Footage By David Pogue and Aaron Miller Not every piece of video needs fancy effects. In fact, most video is probably better without a Dream filter and Picture-in-Picture. The unadulterated stuff straight from your camera usually looks best. In fact, if your footage needs any help at all, it's probably in the cameraman department. Don't take this personally. Handheld shots, the most common kind of home video, are notoriously unstable, and that's an instant giveaway that you're an amateur. You can have the hands of a surgeon and still end up with shaky footage. This is true even with all the newfangled image stabilization technology that comes in the latest cameras. Don't give up (and don't resort to carrying a tripod everywhere). iMovie '09 can stabilize your video after the fact, using one of its most amazing new features. Video Stabilization iMovie has powers that leave other "beginner" video-editing programs panting with envy. It's filled with tools that have historically been found only in professional editing programs. iMovie's stabilization feature, for example, is inherited from Apple's $1,000 Final Cut Pro software. It works by analyzing every single frame in a clip, recognizing the changes in both camera position (movement up, down, left, or right) and camera rotation. Once it figures that bit out, it knows how to slide and rotate your clips to iron out the shakes. Unfortunately, this sort of analysis takes a very long time—roughly ten minutes for every minute of video (more or less depending on your Mac's speed). The results, however, are worth it. The stabilization feature works absolute magic on most jerky, bumpy handheld footage. It works so well, in fact, that it can look positively creepy, as though you were floating along on a magic carpet. Fortunately, there's a slider that lets you control how much stabilizing goes on. Four Ways to Trigger Stabilization Analysis Before iMovie can stabilize your video, it has to perform the above-mentioned analysis, which takes a long time. Fortunately, you have a lot of control over when the program does this processing: 1) Stabilize during import. You're offered the opportunity to perform the analysis when you bring the footage into your Mac, as described in Chapter 1. 2) Stabilize selected clips. You can analyze certain clips at any time. Select one, or a group of them, and then choose File–>Analyze for Stabilization. 3) Stabilize an entire Event. In the list, click an Event's name and then choose File–>Analyze for Stabilization. This option is great if the Event in question is someone jumping on a trampoline during an earthquake. 4) Stabilize a clip in the Event Browser. Double-click the clip to open the Inspector panel. Click Analyze Entire Clip as shown in Figure 7-1. 5) Stabilize a clip that's already in the storyboard. Point to the clip, and then from the gear-icon menu, choose Clip Adjustments. On the panel that appears, turn on "Smooth clip motion." This is a great trick when you're looking over a project in progress and discover that one particular jerky shot is ruining the flow. It can also save you a lot of time, because iMovie stabilizes only the 20 seconds of a clip that you've actually used—plus an additional second on either side—rather than processing the 15-minute original (see Figure 7-2). If you later decide to lengthen the clip you stabilized (by more than a second), you'll need to do more analyzing. The once-checked checkbox in the Inspector will require rechecking. Fortunately, iMovie analyzes only the new part you added that wasn't already analyzed. Then go knit a sweater while you wait for your Mac to analyze your footage. Be prepared for a wait when you decide to analyze a clip. Depending on the speed of your computer, it can take between five and twelve minutes (or longer for older Macs) for every minute of footage stabilized. If you have a lot to analyze, let the Mac do its job overnight while you get some beauty sleep. A stabilized clip in your project displays a checkmark in the Stabilization box, plus the Maximum Zoom slider. Turn Stabilization on and off all you like; iMovie never has to analyze a clip but once. Product Description Bursting with new features, Apple’s iMovie ‘09 is vastly more usable and complete than iMovie ‘08–amazing right out of the box. But the box doesn’t include a good user’s guide, so learning these applications is another matter. iMovie ‘09 and iDVD: The Missing Manual gets you up to speed on everything you need to turn raw digital footage into highly creative video projects. You get crystal-clear, jargon-free explanations of iMovie’s new video effects, slow & fast motion, advanced drag & drop, video stabilization, and more. Author and New York Times tech columnist David Pogue uses an objective lens to scrutinize every step of process, including how to: # Organize your videos just like your photos, and precisely edit with ease # Work on multiple iMovie projects at once and drag & drop clips among them # Integrate with other iLife programs to use songs, photos, and an original sound track # Output your creation to a blog, its own web page, or as a video podcast with iWeb # Understand basic film techniques to improve the quality of the video you bring to iMovie From choosing and using a digital camcorder to burning the finished work onto DVDs, posting it online, or creating versions for iPod and iPhone, iMovie ‘09 & iDVD: The Missing Manual helps you zoom right in on the details. Product Details * Paperback: 463 pages * Publisher: Pogue Press; 1 edition (April 1, 2009) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0596801416 * ISBN-13: 978-0596801410 Download . |
| iPhone For Dummies: Includes iPhone 3GS, 3rd Edtion January 3, 2010 at 9:26 pm |
| ![]() iPhone For Dummies: Includes iPhone 3GS, 3rd Edtion by: Edward C Baig, Bob LeVitus en | For Dummies Product Description A full-color guide to the iPhone, including the new iPhone 3G S With its new 3G S model, the iPhone is definitely the must-have mobile device. This fully updated guide covers all the cool features of the fastest iPhone ever, including the Spotlight search feature, voice control, and video camera capability. iPhone For Dummies, 3rd Edition also covers the basics of using the multitouch interface, setting up iTunes, browsing the Internet, sending and receiving e-mail, and more. * The iPhone 3G S is the fastest and most powerful iPhone yet, with a host of new features * Learn to use landscape mode for e-mail, texting, and shooting widescreen video * See how to copy or cut and paste text, video, photos, and Web content from one app to another * Find out how to make calls, play music, or create new playlists using voice control * Locate anything on your iPhone with Spotlight, whether in your calendar, contacts, e-mail, iPod, apps, or even saved Web clips * Discover how to create and send messages that include text, video, voice memos, map locations, and more Covering all the features of the much-anticipated iPhone 3G S, iPhone For Dummies, 3rd Edition helps you get every bit of functionality your iPhone offers. From the Back Cover Fill your iPhone with cool stuff, ask it to play a song or call a friend, and find anything with Spotlight! The iPhone keeps getting better, and this book keeps you in tune with the newest features. The basics are here too: how to use the multitouch interface, set up iTunes and buy music, surf the Web, check and send e-mail and text messages, watch movies and TV shows (and YouTube), admire pictures, download apps — and even make phone calls. * Stay organized — synchronize contacts, calendars, e-mail accounts, and bookmarks between your computer and your iPhone * Do you copy? — copy, cut, and paste text, photos, and videos from one application to another * Record it — capture a thought, a memo, or a meeting with Voice Memos then trim your recording and send it via e-mail or MMS * Shake and shuffle your music — create playlists, scroll through your music library, and customize your listening experience * Find yourself — identify your location via GPS, get turn-by-turn directions, find true north with the compass, and search for a location Open the book and find: * Steps for getting started with your iPhone * How to make a phone call with Voice Control * Details about connecting to a Wi-Fi network * Easy ways to check the weather and get stock quotes * How to connect wirelessly to Bluetooth devices * Tips for taking advantage of push notifications * How MobileMe can help find your iPhone if it has been lost * Advice on troubleshooting your iPhone See all Editorial Reviews Product Details * Paperback: 304 pages * Publisher: For Dummies; 3 edition (August 3, 2009) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0470536985 * ISBN-13: 978-0470536988 Download . |
| Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual January 3, 2010 at 9:21 pm |
| ![]() Mac OS X Snow Leopard: The Missing Manual by: David Pogue en | Pogue Press Product Description For a company that promised to “put a pause on new features,” Apple sure has been busy-there’s barely a feature left untouched in Mac OS X 10.6 “Snow Leopard.” There’s more speed, more polish, more refinement-but still no manual. Fortunately, David Pogue is back, with the humor and expertise that have made this the #1 bestselling Mac book for eight years straight. You get all the answers with jargon-free introductions to: * Big-ticket changes. A 64-bit overhaul. Faster everything. A rewritten Finder. Microsoft Exchange compatibility. All-new QuickTime Player. If Apple wrote it, this book covers it. * Snow Leopard Spots. This book demystifies the hundreds of smaller enhancements, too, in all 50 programs that come with the Mac: Safari, Mail, iChat, Preview, Time Machine. * Shortcuts. This must be the tippiest, trickiest Mac book ever written. Undocumented surprises await on every page. * Power usage. Security, networking, build-your-own Services, file sharing with Windows, even Mac OS X’s Unix chassis-this one witty, expert guide makes it all crystal clear. About the Author David Pogue is the personal-technology columnist for “The New York Times”. Each week, he contributes a print column, an online column, an online video, and a popular daily blog, “Pogue’s Posts.” He is also an Emmy award-winning tech correspondent for CBS News, and he appears each week on CNBC with his trademark comic tech videos. With more than 3 million books in print, he is one of the world’s bestselling how-to authors. He wrote or co-wrote seven books in the “Dummies” series, and in 1999 he launched his own series of computer books called the Missing Manual series, which now includes more than 100 titles. He has been profiled on “48 Hours” and “60 Minutes.” Pogue’s website is and his Twitter screen name is Pogue. He lives in Connecticut. Product Details * Paperback: 912 pages * Publisher: Pogue Press; 1 edition (October 15, 2009) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0596153287 * ISBN-13: 978-0596153281 Download . |
| Essential Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): For .NET Framework 3.5 (Microsoft .NET Development Series January 3, 2010 at 7:00 pm |
|  Essential Windows Communication Foundation (WCF): For .NET Framework 3.5 (Microsoft .NET Development Series) by: Steve Resnick, Richard Crane, Chris Bowen Product Description "Whether this is the first time or the fifty-first time you're using WCF, you'll learn something new by reading this book." –Nicholas Allen, Program Manager, Web Services, Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is the easiest way to produce and consume Web services on the Microsoft platform. With .NET 3.5, WCF has been extensively revamped–and Visual Studio 2008 gives developers powerful new tools for utilizing it. Essential Windows Communication Foundation shows developers exactly how to make the most of WCF with .NET 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. Drawing on extensive experience working with early adopters, three Microsoft insiders systematically address the topics developers ask about WCF. The authors approach each subject with practical advice and present best practices, tips, and tricks for solving problems. Throughout, you'll find detailed explanations, solutions for the "pain points" of WCF development, and an extensive collection of reusable code examples. Coverage includes * Using WCF contracts to define complex structures and interfaces * Understanding WCF's channel stacks and channel model architecture * Configuring the WCF communication stack to use only the protocols you need * Using standard and custom service behaviors to manage concurrency, instances, transactions, and more * Serializing data from .NET types to XML Infosets and representing Infosets "on the wire" * Hosting WCF services via IIS, managed .NET applications, and Windows Activation Services * WCF security, in depth: authentication; transport and message-level security; and Internet and intranet scenarios * Improving reliability: exception handling, diagnostics, and more * Workflow services: new integration points between WCF 3.5 and Windows Workflow Foundation * Building client-to-client, peer network-based applications * Utilizing WCF for non-SOAP Web services: AJAX and JSON examples and .NET 3.5 hosting classes Microsoft's Steve Resnick, Richard Crane, and Chris Bowen are technology experts at the Microsoft Technology Center in Boston. They specialize in helping customers improve their technical agility by applying WCF and related technologies. Resnick has specialized in Internet technologies and distributed computing at Microsoft since 1995. He is a frequent speaker at Microsoft events and is now technology director for the U.S. Microsoft Technology Centers. Crane has more than 15 years of experience in senior software development roles. He specializes in large-scale Web sites, distributed computing, transactional systems, and performance analysis. Bowen has been an architect and developer for more than 15 years at companies such as and Staples and is co-author of Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System. Foreword xxv Preface xxvii Chapter 1: Basics 1 Chapter 2: Contracts 33 Chapter 3: Channels 91 Chapter 4: Bindings 111 Chapter 5: Behaviors 181 Chapter 6: Serialization and Encoding 241 Chapter 7: Hosting 287 Chapter 8: Security 315 Chapter 9: Diagnostics 375 Chapter 10: Exception Handling 403 Chapter 11: Workflow Services 423 Chapter 12: Peer Networking 459 Chapter 13: Programmable Web 503 Appendix: Advanced Topics 537 Index 553 About the Author Steve Resnick has worked at Microsoft since the mid-1990s, spanning architect, developer, and evangelist roles in the field. He specializes in Internet technologies, architecting and designing high-volume, high-value Web applications. Steve is the National Technology Director for the Microsoft Technology Centers in the United States, where he sets strategy and direction so that his team can solve the toughest customer challenges. He has worked with .NET since the beginning and is an expert in Web services, BizTalk, transaction processing, and related technologies. He holds a M.S. and B.S. in Computer Science from Boston University and University of Delaware, respectively. Rich Crane is a Technical Architect at the Microsoft Technology Center in Waltham, Massachusetts. A software architect and engineer with more than 18 years of experience, Rich has spent the last six years helping customers architect and build solutions on the Microsoft platform. He has worked with numerous Microsoft products and technologies and is an expert in BizTalk, SQL Server, SharePoint, Compute Cluster Server, and of course Visual Studio and the .NET Framework. He has spoken at conferences and community events such as TechEd and Code Camp. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from Drexel University with a B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Chris Bowen is Microsoft's Developer Evangelist for the northeastern United States, specializing in development tools, platforms, and architectural best practices. Asoftware architect and engineer with 15 years of experience, Chris joined Microsoft after holding senior positions at companies such as, VistaPrint, Staples, and IDX Systems, and consulting on Web presence and e-commerce projects with others. He is coauthor of Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System (2006, WROX) and holds an M.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Management Information Systems, both from Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Product Details * Paperback: 608 pages * Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (February 21, 2008) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0321440064 * ISBN-13: 978-0321440068 Download . |
| Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries (2nd Edition) (Microsoft .NET Development Series) January 3, 2010 at 6:38 pm |
| ![]() Framework Design Guidelines: Conventions, Idioms, and Patterns for Reusable .NET Libraries (2nd Edition) (Microsoft .NET Development Series) by: Krzysztof Cwalina, Brad Abrams en | Addison-Wesley Professional Product Description " Framework Design Guidelines is one of those rare books that can be read at different reading levels and can be useful to different kinds of developers. Regardless of whether you want to design an effective object model, improve your understanding of the .NET Framework, borrow from the experience of software gurus, stay clear of the most common programming mistakes, or just get an idea of the huge effort that led to the .NET initiative, this book is a must-read." –Francesco Balena, The VB Migration Partner Team (, Code Architect, Author, and Microsoft Regional Director, Italy " Frameworks are valuable but notoriously difficult to construct: your every decision must be geared toward making them easy to be used correctly and difficult to be used incorrectly. This book takes you through a progression of recommendations that will eliminate many of those downstream 'I wish I'd known that earlier' moments. I wish I'd read it earlier." –Paul Besly, Principal Technologist, QA " Not since Brooks' The Mythical Man Month has the major software maker of its time produced a book so full of relevant advice for the modern software developer. This book has a permanent place on my bookshelf and I consult it frequently." –George Byrkit, Senior Software Engineer, Genomic Solutions " Updated for the new language features of the .NET Framework 3.0 and 3.5, this book continues to be the definitive resource for .NET developers and architects who are designing class library frameworks. Some of the existing guidelines have been expanded with new annotations and more detail, and new guidance covering such features as extension methods and nullable types has also been included. The guidance will help any developer write clearer and more understandable code, while the annotations provide invaluable insight into some of the design decisions that made the .NET Framework what it is today." –Scott Dorman, Microsoft MVP and President, Tampa Bay International Association of Software Architects " Filled with information useful to developers and architects of all levels, this book provides practical guidelines and expert background information to get behind the rules. Framework Design Guidelines takes the already published guidelines to a higher level, and it is needed to write applications that integrate well in the .NET area." –Cristof Falk, Software Engineer " This book is an absolute must read for all .NET developers. It gives clear 'do' and 'don't' guidance on how to design class libraries for .NET. It also offers insight into the design and creation of .NET that really helps developers understand the reasons why things are the way they are. This information will aid developers designing their own class libraries and will also allow them to take advantage of the .NET class library more effectively." –Jeffrey Richter, Author/Trainer/Consultant, Wintellect " The second edition of Framework Design Guidelines gives you new, important insight into designing your own class libraries: Abrams and Cwalina frankly discuss the challenges of adding new features to shipping versions of their products with minimal impact on existing code. You'll find great examples of how to create version N+1 of your software by learning how the .NET class library team created versions 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5 of the .NET library. They were able to add generics, WCF, WPF, WF, and LINQ with minimal impact on the existing APIs, even providing capabilities for customers wanting to use only some of the new features, while still maintaining compatibility with the original library." –Bill Wagner, Founder and Consultant, SRT Solutions, author of Effective C# and More Effective C# " This book is a must read for all architects and software developers thinking about frameworks. The book offers insight into some driving factors behind the design of the .NET Framework. It should be considered mandatory reading for anybody tasked with creating application frameworks." –Peter Winkler, Sr. Software Engineer, Balance Technology Inc. "An instant classic." –From the Foreword by Miguel de Icaza Framework Design Guidelines, Second Edition, teaches developers the best practices for designing reusable libraries for the Microsoft .NET Framework. Expanded and updated for .NET 3.5, this new edition focuses on the design issues that directly affect the programmability of a class library, specifically its publicly accessible APIs. This book can improve the work of any .NET developer producing code that other developers will use. It includes copious annotations to the guidelines by thirty-five prominent architects and practitioners of the .NET Framework, providing a lively discussion of the reasons for the guidelines as well as examples of when to break those guidelines. Microsoft architects Krzysztof Cwalina and Brad Abrams teach framework design from the top down. From their significant combined experience and deep insight, you will learn * The general philosophy and fundamental principles of framework design * Naming guidelines for the various parts of a framework * Guidelines for the design and extending of types and members of types * Issues affecting–and guidelines for ensuring–extensibility * How (and how not) to design exceptions * Guidelines for–and examples of–common framework design patterns Guidelines in this book are presented in four major forms: Do, Consider, Avoid, and Do not. These directives help focus attention on practices that should always be used, those that should generally be used, those that should rarely be used, and those that should never be used. Every guideline includes a discussion of its applicability, and most include a code example to help illuminate the dialogue. Framework Design Guidelines, Second Edition, is the only definitive source of best practices for managed code API development, direct from the architects themselves. A companion DVD includes the Designing .NET Class Libraries video series, instructional presentations by the authors on design guidelines for developing classes and components that extend the .NET Framework. A sample API specification and other useful resources and tools are also included. About the Author Brad Abrams was a founding member of the Common Language Runtime and .NET Framework teams at Microsoft Corporation. He has been designing parts of the .NET Framework since 1998 and is currently Group Program Manager of the .NET Framework team. Brad started his framework design career building the Base Class Library (BCL) that ships as a core part of the .NET Framework. Brad was also the lead editor on the Common Language Specification (CLS), the .NET Framework Design Guidelines, and the libraries in the ECMA\ISO CLI Standard. Brad has authored and coauthored multiple publications, including Programming in the .NET Environment and .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference, Volumes 1 and 2. Brad graduated from North Carolina State University with a B.S. in computer science. You can find his most recent musings on his blog at Krzysztof Cwalina is a program manager on the .NET Framework team at Microsoft. He was a founding member of the .NET Framework team and throughout his career has designed many .NET Framework APIs and framework development tools, such as FxCop. He is currently leading a companywide effort to develop, promote, and apply framework design and architectural guidelines to the .NET Framework. He is also leading the team responsible for delivering core .NET Framework APIs. Krzysztof graduated with a B.S. and an M.S. in computer science from the University of Iowa. Product Details * Hardcover: 480 pages * Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 2 edition (November 1, 2008) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0321545613 * ISBN-13: 978-0321545619 Download . |
| EnCase Computer Forensics: The Official EnCE: EnCase Certified Examiner Study Guide, 2nd Edition January 3, 2010 at 1:47 pm |
|  EnCase Computer Forensics: The Official EnCE: EnCase Certified Examiner Study Guide, 2nd Edition by: Steve Bunting * Guidance Software’s EnCase product is the premier computer forensics tool on the market, used in law enforcement labs for digital evidence collection; in commercial settings for incident response and information assurance; and by the FBI and Department of Defense to detect domestic and international threats * This guide prepares readers for both the CBT and practical phases of the exam that validates mastery of EnCase * Written by two law enforcement professionals who are computer forensics specialists and EnCase trainers * Includes the EnCase Legal Journal, essential for forensics investigators who need to be sure they are operating within the law and able to give expert testimony * The CD includes tools to help readers prepare for Phase II of the certification, which requires candidates to examine computer evidence, as well as a searchable PDF of the text ISBN: 978-0-7821-4435-2 Paperback 576 pages March 2006 Download . |
| MIT 6001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs CD7-10 January 3, 2010 at 10:13 am |
|  MIT 6001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs This release contains what is considered to be one of the best Computer Science courses in the world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's "Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs", codenamed 6001. It consists of a series of 10 2-part video lectures taught by Harold Abelson and Gerald Sussman. D0wn1oad   . |
| MIT 6001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs CD4-6 January 3, 2010 at 10:07 am |
|  MIT 6001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs This release contains what is considered to be one of the best Computer Science courses in the world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's "Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs", codenamed 6001. It consists of a series of 10 2-part video lectures taught by Harold Abelson and Gerald Sussman. D0wn1oad   . |
| Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Snow (2009) ENG January 3, 2010 at 9:57 am |
|  Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Snow (2009) ENG New modes for GTA SA! Nthm we have winter! All in the snow, roads, mountains, winter sky, the snow machines and frost, dress for warmer! Maud does not require the original, added new clothes, cars, weapons, missions, and much more … super easy! D0wn1oad // . |
| MIT 6001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs CD1-3 January 3, 2010 at 8:16 am |
|  MIT 6001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs This release contains what is considered to be one of the best Computer Science courses in the world, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's "Structure & Interpretation of Computer Programs", codenamed 6001. It consists of a series of 10 2-part video lectures taught by Harold Abelson and Gerald Sussman. D0wn1oad   . |
| Head First PMP: A Brain-Friendly Guide to Passing the Project Management Professional Exam, 2nd edition January 3, 2010 at 7:54 am |
| ![]() Head First PMP: A Brain-Friendly Guide to Passing the Project Management Professional Exam, 2nd edition by: Jennifer Greene, Andrew Stellman en | O’Reilly Media, Inc. Product Description Learn the latest principles and certification objectives in The PMBOK Guide, Fourth Edition, in a unique and inspiring way with Head First PMP . The second edition of this book helps you prepare for the PMP certification exam using a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. You’ll find a full-length sample exam included inside the book. More than just proof of passing a test, a PMP certification means that you have the knowledge to solve most common project problems. But studying for a difficult four-hour exam on project management isn’t easy, even for experienced project managers. Drawing on the latest research in neurobiology, cognitive science, and learning theory, Head First PMP offers you a multi-sensory experience that helps the material stick, not a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep. This book will help you: * Learn PMP’s underlying concepts to help you understand the PMBOK principles and pass the certification exam with flying colors * Get 100% coverage of the latest principles and certification objectives in The PMBOK Guide, Fourth Edition, including two new processes: Collect Requirements and Identify Stakeholders * Make use of a thorough and effective preparation guide with hundreds of practice questions and exam strategies * Explore the material through puzzles, games, problems, and exercises that make learning easy and entertaining Head First PMP puts project management principles into context to help you understand, remember, and apply them — not just on the exam, but also on the job. About the Author *Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene are both veteran software engineers and project managers. They created Stellman & Greene Consulting in 2003, with a focus on software development and management consulting. Together, they have written bestselling and highly acclaimed books for O’Reilly, including “Applied Software Project Management” (9780596009489) and “Head First PMP” (9780596102340). *Jennifer Greene has spent more than 15 years building software for different kinds of companies. She’s built software test teams and helped companies diagnose and deal with habitual process problems so that they could build better software. Jennifer founded Stellman & Greene Consulting with Andrew Stellman in 2003. Product Details * Paperback: 831 pages * Publisher: O’Reilly Media; 2 edition (August 4, 2009) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0596801912 * ISBN-13: 978-0596801915 Download . |
| Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7th Edition 2009 January 3, 2010 at 3:55 am |
|  Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7th Edition 2009 The world's best selling advanced learner's dictionary, recommended by learners of English and their teachers, and used by 30 million people. Key features : • 183,500 British and American words, phrases, and meanings, plus 85,000 examples showing how words are used. • 20,000 word origins explained on the COMPASS CD-ROM • Over 200,000 extra example sentences on the COMPASS CD-ROM. • 2,000 new words and meanings from British and American English, such as offshoring, life coach, sex up, wi-fi. • 5,000 study words used in the sciences, maths, computing, literature, and business. • 700 entries for words from Australia, Canada, East Africa, India, New Zealand, South Africa, and West Africa. • Oxford 3000™: identifies the 3,000 keywords students need to know. • Special entries for words on the Oxford 3000 list, with extra information on synonyms and collocations, and extra examples to extend vocabulary. • 7,000 synonyms and opposites shown. • 200 special synonym notes covering 1,200 synonyms. • Illustrations and photographs explain 2000+ words. • Labelled illustrations show related vocabulary. • 32 colour pages illustrate groups of words such as extreme sports, music, etc. • Colour maps – much appreciated by teachers and students. • 2,600 encyclopedic entries to explain references such as Walter Mitty, Fort Knox, Marie Celeste, Peter Pan, Beacon Hill. • Over 10,000 entries on every aspect of British and American culture on the COMPASS CD-ROM. • NEW Oxford 3000™ Vocabulary Trainer shows students how to exploit the keyword entries and provides practical activities that help build vocabulary and prepare for exams such as CAE and TOEIC®. D0wn1oad // . |
| Cambridge Grammar of English Paperback with CD ROM: A Comprehensive Guide January 3, 2010 at 2:52 am |
|  Cambridge Grammar of English Paperback with CD ROM: A Comprehensive Guide MDF | 347 MB The Cambridge Grammar of English is a major new reference grammar from the world’s leading grammar publisher. Using ground breaking language research, it offers clear explanations of spoken and written English based on real everyday usage. A clear two-part structure makes the book particularly user-friendly. In the first section, A-Z entries give more attention to lexico-grammar and other language areas that tend to be neglected in grammar references. The second section covers traditional grammatical categories such as tense, clause structure and parts of speech. The accompanying CD-ROM makes the Cambridge Grammar of English even more accessible with: • The whole book in handy, searchable format. • Audio recordings of all the examples from the book. • Links to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary online for instant definitions of new vocabulary. D0wn1oad // . |
| Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training Courses 1 & 2 by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming January 3, 2010 at 2:46 am |
|  Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu Basic Training Courses 1 & 2 by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming English | DivX 6 720×480 29.97fps | MPEG 48000Hz stereo 128Kbps | 1 hr 50 min | 1.63 GB This comprehensive training video explores Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu (Kung Fu), one of the most famous martial art styles developed in China. In Course 1, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming presents a lecture explaining the theory and history of Shaolin White Crane Gongfu, and instructs fundamental stances, movements and hand techniques. In Course 2, Dr. Yang explains and instructs fundamental Qigong exercises, Jin patterns, more basic movements and hand techniques. White Crane Qigong (Chi Kung) is a proven way to build explosive fighting power, known as Jin. In addition, Dr. Yang and senior students instruct and demonstrate the first barehand form, Qi Xing Quan and its martial applications. It is commonly recognized that Shaolin White Crane is the root of Okinawan Karate, and has heavily influenced Japanese martial arts. From this video, all martial artists can gain profound comprehension of empty-handed styles. Course 1: * Learn the history of Shaolin White Crane Gong Fu from Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming * Fundamental stances * Fundamental Qi Xing stepping * Four Golden Points hand techniques * Repelling and covering practice * Bridge Hands and its applications Course 2: * Fundamental hopping and jumping * Major basic hand techniques * Bridge Hands and its applications * Fundamental Qigong * Fundamental Jin patterns * Barehand sequence: Qi Xing Quan and its applications Yang, Jwing-Ming Ph.D., is a renowned author and teacher of Chinese martial arts and Qigong. Born in Taiwan, he has trained and taught Taijiquan, Qigong and Chinese martial arts for over forty-five years. He is the author of over thirty books, and was elected by Inside Kung Fu magazine as one of the 10 people who has “made the greatest impact on martial arts in the past 100 years.” Dr. Yang lives in Northern California. D0wn1oad // . |
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