Its been a while since I had time to write you a newsletter!
Happy New Year!! I pray the first five weeks of 2022 have been a blessing!
Tucson, AZ was amazing. I look forward to completing my Institute of Organizational Management with the United States Chamber of Commerce!
2022 Black History Month I pray brings more Unity and collaboration for a better world! So much Travel I am racking up Frequent Flyer Miles!
Today is the 2nd Wednesday of the month so join us virtually for Black Professional Men Inc. General Body Meeting. So many Great things are happening, so many new great partnerships coming together. Link Found here
Please share !!!!!!!!! CyberBiz Pathways Program (for young adults, graduate and undergraduate students) who are thinking about career options) Friday, February 11 @ 11am - 3 pm: CyberBiz Pathways Workforce Development Summit.
Careers in Human Resources Careers in Artificial Intelligence Authenticity in the Workplace Leveraging ERGs
Here is a comped code for folks in your network:
HBCU Pathways Program for current high school students Saturday, February 12 @ 10 am - 12 pm: HBCU Pathways Program: Here is the registration link for current high school students, This month's topic is resumes and LinkedIn profiles.
With the Launch of our Be Bold for Good Tour heading to Kansas City we are looking forward to connecting with our partners at the National Association for Campus Activities.
Kansas City, MO is a beautiful place, and I am looking forward to returning Friday!
To all our NACA family we look forward to seeing you in KC.
When we get back to Baltimore, The Beya STEM conference will be gearing up in Washington DC and in the Metapherse with STEMCITYUSA
2nd Annual Virtual Women's Conference is being held February 24-25 and we need you to help spread the word!
Save the Date: Feb 24th-25th,2022 Balt Metro WBC 2022 Virtual Women's Conference Time: 9:30 AM- 2:00 PM Refresh! Rejuvenate! Reimagine! Your Health, Wealth and Business This event will include inspirational speakers, community business award presentations, breakout discussions, and entrepreneurial business success stories.
You will learn how to : Shift your mindset from "OH NO" to "OH YES" Push forward when you're pulled backward Grow, Scale and then Sail in your business
2/25 We will be heading to UPIKE, or the University of Pikeville in Pikeville, Kentucky. A night of Excellence and the Extraordinary Featuring the Black Greek Poets. I am Looking forward to providing the soundtrack for this Event. Special thank you to @BigHomeyPoetry, @LyricalFaithPoetry @NerdThePoet and @Sir_Harlem and the Staff at Upike!
Greater Baltimore Black Chamber of Commerce Annual meeting 2/28 Virtual Broadcast Https://linktree/gbbcc
March is my birthday Month!!!! Excited to Play in the 20th annual Florida Golf Tournament in Orlando Florida for my Birthday this year (March 5) No gifts are needed I am living a dream, however you can donate to my nonprofit $bemorestem As you can see I love Golf so feel free to set up a TEE TIME and send me the details! Any Weather 65 degrees or warmer!
Looking forward to attending the Association for the Promotion of Campus Activities Hershey, PA
April (Mrs Tilghman Birthday Month) North Carolina Atlanta